This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Make First Aid training a mandatory part of the Driving Licence

1780 people died in road accidents in the last 12 months, 23,700 were seriously injured. 50% of deaths occur within 4 minutes of an accident before an ambulance has arrived. Mandatory training as part of the driving test would empower more people with skills to help and save hundreds of lives.

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Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary and the Baltic States all have mandatory First Aid training as part of their Driving Test and consequently have many more people skilled to help in an emergency. This in turn makes roads safer and empowers more people to be able to administer First Aid generally. In a recent survey from SJA 59% of people in the UK would not know what to do in an emergency, this is a sensible way forward.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

299 signatures

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