This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition Introduce a charge for single-use take-away coffee cups.

Every year, 3 billion cups are thrown into landfill sites in the UK, taking up valuable space and resources.
Charging for each cup will raise awareness of the single-use cups impact on the environment and encourage consumers to carry their own re-usable cup (as we now carry our own bags).

More details

Each paper cup contributes to 0.11kg of C02.
(Starbucks with Alliance for Environmental Innovation, April 2000)
Each cup requires 200 litres of water; the production of cups and lids contributes to the loss of millions of trees, the loss of habitat and to the degradation of the ecosystem.
(WWF; cup)
The technology needed to produce 100% degradable or recyclable cups is not widely available. Precious resources are wasted now. A charge would reduce the consumption of single-use cups.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

189 signatures

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