This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Call for a new General Election.

In light of the Conservative governments failure to reduce the national debt, the county feels they are not competent enough to lead our nation. Local councils are falling apart, the NHS is in crisis, the most vulnerable are being penalised while making financial gains to the top 1%!

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According to the latest official figures, public debt has increased by £555 billion since 2010.

Public debt now stands at 89.4% of our national income (GDP), up from 78.4% when then the Tories came to power in 2010.

Every budget has seen a U turn and the house of Lords have time and time again blocked unfair measures being introduced. Once the current Governnent get a result they don't like then they bully through the measures anyway.

The nation's trust in this government has vanished.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

53 signatures

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