This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Stop the new INFRASTRUCTURE BILL.

This new bill will effectively privatize the Land Registry department. It means public land and asserts will now be In control of a private profit making company. This allow Fracking companies to set up in woodland, or parks, without public or council opposition.

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The government’s new Infrastructure Bill removes control for decisions to sell or develop publicly owned land from the public sector. In short, a private company will have the power to sell publicly owned land for Fracking, or whatever.The Infrastructure Bill has somehow managed to slip through to its Second Reading in the House of Lords from 1830 Wednesday 18th June 2014. The Bill contains a clause that will end local decision making over use of publicly owned land by councils or the public.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

491 signatures

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