This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition To scrap p.i.p and reinstate DLA and DWA for disabled people with medical proof

I was born with deformed and dislocated hips ,which has caused osteo arthritis in my hips,knees , spine and my spine is curved.The government have lied about cutting allowances ,I now can't afford a car ,have a blue parking badge ,or trade my own fire risk zafira for a motability car.losing my home.

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Genuine disabled people are becoming housebound and suicidal due to having their disabilities downgraded in the new p.I.p assessments from high mobility to standard mobility ,this enables the government to stop you having the blue parking badge , free road tax and a motability car .if that's not cutting our allowances what is ???

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

151 signatures

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