This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Make the death of a cat by a dog a criminal offence.

My dearly loved 19 year old pet cat, Chip, was killed by a dog mauling him to death however we were informed that due to my Chip not being classed as 'property' by law, if the victim of this dog had been another dog, pig, goat etc then the police could have prosecuted.

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A new law came into effect in October 2014 which gives police the power to prosecute dog owners however I don't believe that this law goes far enough, it should go further and include the option of the removal of the dog from the owner or even the dog being destroyed in extreme cases if a professional body such as the rspca believes the dog is a permanent danger to cats.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

544 signatures

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