This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Stop hospitals putting DNAR orders onto patients records against their will .

My father was admitted to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham on Monday with heart failure and fluid overload. My father has a living will that he wants life to be maintained. The hospital has put a DNAR onto my father's records, my father has objected but the objection has been ignored.

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The hospital will not remove the DNAR. Are the patient’s wishes no longer of paramount importance? You have to ask what's the point of a living will? The consultant says the decision is due to Dad’s age & the fact he has heart failure which will only get worse.
How many people are going into hospital & have DNAR put on their records against their wishes? This practice must be stopped, people's wishes are not being respected. It's like euthanasia in disguise.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

70 signatures

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