This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Keep the ban on neonics to protect the bees!

Despite the fact that bee-endangering pesticides are banned in the EU, the UK government just gave the go-ahead to farmers to sow these toxic-coated seeds anyway. Any day now, Bayer and Syngenta's toxic bee-harming seeds could be sown.

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Instead of listening to us, the Government listened to the intensive farming industry - ignoring the growing evidence of how dangerous these chemicals are to bees and other pollinators.

Hundreds of thousands of people have already signed other petitions to the UK Government to stop harming our bees, and they're feeling the sting. A massive public outcry could force the government to back down and protect bees.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

282 signatures

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