This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Rejected petition Give obese people specialist help in their locality – it’s their right

The Government’s medical advisory body, NICE, says the UK should have a network of dedicated centres, staffed with experts in weight loss, exercise, and talking therapies, to help obese patients reverse their weight gain, and avoid the need for surgery. This doesn’t currently exist.

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Obesity is often about much more than ‘just eat less’ otherwise millions of people would have just taken that advice. NICE recommends that prior to offering bariatric surgery (Tier 4) the NHS should provide a network of dedicated centres, staffed with experts in weight loss, exercise, and talking therapies, to help obese lose weight (Tier 3). Currently these centres are few and far between.
This petition calls for more Tier 3 centres so all obese are able to access Tier 3 services as a right.

This petition was rejected

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It was created using a fake or incomplete name.

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