This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Introduce a rule to prevent the trading of insults and irrelevant remarks at PMQ

The Prime Minister as an elected public official and head of the UK government, responsible for the policy and decisions of the government should not be using PMQ as an opportunity to trade insults and to make irrelevant remarks that do not relate to questions posed.

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In recent months responses, quality of debate and the PM's behaviour at PMQ has reached a level that is now unacceptable, as it condones behaviour that would not be accepted in other spheres of society or workplace. The House of Parliament is a working environment, in which MPs of all parties are paid by UK tax payers to govern and formulate policies to benefit society, therefore it is right and proper that questions asked at PMQ are answered in a respectful manner.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

22 signatures

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