This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Rejected petition UK ISP LINE RENTAL 'ALL' within 6% of each other,Price set out?

The UK internet service providers all charge pretty much the same for 'Line Rental',never being more than around 5-6% difference in the big 4 'EVER!',do they act like cartels?,and have never been challenged on this,we have no 'REAL'choice as all charge pretty much the same,is a kind of price fixing?

More details

The UK internet service providers (isp) all charge pretty much the same price for 'Line Rental',never being more than around 5-6% difference between the big 4 'EVER!',do they act like cartels?,and have never been challenged on this,we have no 'REAL' choice as they all charge pretty much the same,is a kind of 'price fixing' ? with prices up nearly 60% in last 5 years.

This petition was rejected

Why was this petition rejected?

It’s not clear what the petition is asking the UK Government or Parliament to do.

You might want to start a new petition that calls on the UK Government to refer Internet Service Providers to the Competition and Markets Authority, if you believe that ISPs have been involved in anti-competitive behaviour.

Alternatively you could contact the Competition and Markets Authority about this issue yourself -

We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.