This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition Include young workers aged 18-24 in the Government's National Living Wage

The National Living Wage only applies to workers aged 25+, meaning those aged 18-21 can be paid 26% less for the same work and those aged 21-24 nearly 7% less.

It also goes against the UK electorate. A Survation poll in September 2015 shows 66% of voters believe the NLW should apply to under-25s.

More details

The statistics that those aged 18-21 can be paid 26% less for the same work as over 25s and those aged 21-24 nearly 7% less are worked out by calculating the percentage difference between the NLW and current NMW pay levels. Current NMW levels: 18-21(£5.30ph) and 21-24 (£6.70ph)

Link to the poll by Survation:

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

3,480 signatures

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MPs want to hear your views on young workers and the national living wage

A group of MPs called the Work and Pensions Committee are investigating employment opportunities for young people.

They want to hear from anyone aged 16-24 in response to one, or more, of the following questions:
· What effect do you feel not including 18-24 year olds in the national living wage has had on your experiences of employment?

· Do you feel that the careers advice and guidance you have received in school/college/university has been adequate to prepare you for employment?  How could it be improved?

· How could your experience of using Jobcentre Plus be improved?

Your comments will inform the Committee’s thinking on this issue.
You can post your comments on the Work and Pensions Committee forum:

The deadline for comments is Friday 30 September 2016.
The Committee will produce a report at the end of its investigations and make recommendations for Government action. We will keep you informed.
What is the Work and Pensions Committee?

The Work and Pensions Committee looks at and questions how the Government Department for Work and Pensions:
· is run
· spends money
· decides on its policies

It's a cross-party committee and is independent of the Government.

You can find out more about the Work and Pensions Committee on its website:

You can follow the Work and Pensions Committee on Twitter: @CommonsWorkPen

This is a ‘select committee’. Find out how Select Committees work: