This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Have an official public inquiry into Deepcut Army Barracks

Deepcut Army Barracks in Surrey has been the focus of the recent inquiry into how Private Cheryl James died at the barracks.
Nobody will ever know the truth unfortunately but the hard fought battle of the James family has opened up some very searching questions into the home of the RLC

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As a former soldier and trainee at Deepcut I wanted to start this online petition to get the government to start opening up about what went on at this place. I was recently involved in the BBC 2 documentary "The Army's shame" During my time there I was subjected to and seen physical brutality on a number of levels.
The government cannot ignore the goings on in Deepcut any longer!! Please take a minute to sign this petition and let's get the ball rolling to getting it discussed in parliament.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

1,561 signatures

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