This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Change the NHS dental provision so everyone has access. We've already paid.

Nhs dentistry should be available for all.
People are anable to access routine and emergency NHS dental care when needed.
Children have toothache, a preventable disease.
Toothache is agonising - easily fixed. People extract using pliers
Funding is being diverted from dental commissioning

More details

Work started in Dewsbury tackling access to dental provision in Dec. 15. The audit is published here:

We engaged with local people in need of help.

We have worked with The Real Junk Food Project Dewsbury CIC to engage with people who we are 'recruiting to eat food'. If they can't afford to eat, they can't afford private healthcare to sort out teeth.

We need a people focused response and positive action.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

172 signatures

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