This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament
Rejected petition Public Disclosure on the true nature of Reality
I am a quantum creationist researcher & author. I have discovered the Explanation of All Things and seek public disclosure of the 5th Stage of the Evolution of Projected and reflected Conscious existence (0=void, 1=still, 2=vegetative, 3=animate, 4=speaking human, 5=fully consciously aware human)
More details
We are energy, frequencies & soundwave vibration resonance. Frequencies and vibrations are attached to image recollection, stored within the DNA. Focused thought, intention, heart resonance frequency and localised action project those very same frequencies and vibrations & cause a soundwave equation, this goes through wave particle duality and becomes a light projection that reflects from the electron field like a mirror to reveal an allegorical 3D illusion to the understanding of the observer.
This petition was rejected
Why was this petition rejected?
It’s not clear what the petition is asking the UK Government or Parliament to do.
We only reject petitions that don’t meet the petition standards.