This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Don't Hold a General Election on account of result of EU Referendum

The UK has now entered a period of unparalleled uncertainty and this uncertainty is the biggest threat to continuing UK financial stability.
Financial markets are already unsettled as it is, and a General Election would prolong the uncertainty and economic fallout of Brexit, at everyone's expense.

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Uncertainty over the outcome of the EU Referendum already had a significant impact on the UK economy prior to this vote, with foreign direct investment being put on hold as well as stock markets and sterling becoming increasingly volatile. Now a vote to leave has prolonged this period of uncertainty and is likely to have a significant short term economic impact. It is vital that a General Election is not called to ensure that the financial fallout of Brexit is not prolonged for UK households.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

18 signatures

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