This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition To review spent criminal convictions on a dbs after 10 years have elapsed.

I was convicted 15 years ago of possession with intent to supply cannabis.
I served my community service order and have never or will never re-offend.
The problem I have know is this will always show on a dbs disclosure and has stopped me, in some cases having a good career.

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Whilst I understand certain convictions should remain on a dbs disclosure permanently, my view is that a lot of people deserve a bona fide second chance.
A wiping of the slate clean so to speak. I don't want myself and probably many others to keep on getting refused the chance to do better for themselves and their families because of a mistake they've made many years ago and have properly rehabilitated from.
I urge the government to seriously consider this and let genuinely remorseful people move on.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

18 signatures

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