This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Legislation to curb newspapers from knowingly printing factual inaccuracies.

Given the major complaint during the EU referendum was one of factual inaccuracies there should be a way to hold newspapers to account without limiting freedom of the press. If a lie is told on the front page the apology/correction should also be on the front page thus making them more accountable.

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The press in the UK is currently beyond reproach. It can print a headline that is totally untrue and currently only be forced to print a small correction where most will not see it.
Recognising the freedom of the press is sacrosanct we must act to ensure they are accountable in a way that does not impinge upon this. Forcing them to give equal space to which the falsehood was printed under regulation by an independent body would help deter them from knowingly printing lies for political gain.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

43 signatures

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