This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Impose mandatory custodial sentences for assaults on Emergency service personnel

To reduce assaults on emergency service personnel a strong deterrent must be in place. Anyone convicted of such an offence should receive a mandatory custodial prison sentence.

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Emergency service personnel in this country work day in day out, 24 hours a day 365 days a year, putting themselves in life and death situations to help members of the public.

Far to often we see stories on the news of paramedics, police officers and fire fighters being subjected to countless assaults and sustaining injuries affecting their ability to work whilst also reducing the capacity of these services to continue to provide a full service to those who need it.

The only way to reduce this is to send a strong message that it WILL NOT be tolerated and to introduce a strong deterrent to anyone believing they can engage in such behaviour without serious consequences. As such anyone convicted of such a crime should be handed a mandatory custodial sentence.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

190 signatures

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