This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Raise the speed limit of the motorway to unlimited

In Germany I realized how efficient and well maintained the highways were and how advanced the "Autobahns" are similar to the "smart" motorways we have in the UK. I believe we should have a system in place where in certain areas of the motorway it should have an unrestricted speed limit.

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6% of deaths occur on British motorways and 40% in urban roads. a further 54% of deaths occur on rural roads. compared with Germany their motorway deaths stand at 12%, 60% on rural roads and 28% in urban areas. I believe we should use the same system where we can adjust the speed limit to the road conditions using the smart motorways (such as limiting the motorway to 70mph in wet conditions etc) and introducing unlimited speed limits in quiet times such as 9pm-8am. This would allow less accidents down rural roads as there is a safer place to speed (as shown by statistics)

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

13 signatures

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