This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Improve CAMHS services in Cumbria, especially surrounding eating disorders.

There is a huge lack of resources and staff within Cumbria CAMHS, having just one dietitician in the entire county. The team regularly allows patients suffering from eating disorders to get so severe they require inpatient treatment hundreds of miles away.There are no specialists and a lack of care.

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CAMHS stands for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, and this is where children and teenagers up to the age of 18 get support and therapy for their mental illnesses.
There are NO specialist eating disorder services within the whole county; the closest being Middlesborough, which I am currently staying as an inpatient with severe Anorexia Nervosa for the second time due to the immense lack of support and understanding in Cumbria. This is a 2 and a half hour journey.
This is not fair.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

35 signatures

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