This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Ban cold calling by businesses to mobile and home phones

Cold calling has always been a problem but recently it is becoming a real nuisance with companies ringing personal mobile/home phones at all times of day and night sometimes multiple times within a day to either sell products, force PPI claims or tell you you've been in an accident when you haven't.

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Companies should not be able to obtain and call your personal phone often with wrong or assumptive information and of a repetitive nature, with some companies calling multiple times in the same week despite being told you are not interested which is harassment and against human rights.

I am petitioning to ban cold calling from businesses to home and mobile phones as to protect people from being harassed in their personal time as it can be very distressing in particular for vulnerable citizens.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

75 signatures

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