This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament
Petition Make gender/sexuality a compulsory topic in PSHEE/P&E lessons in UK high schools
Many genders and sexualities are unheard of by most people, meaning it is difficult for those questioning to find a label which describes them. I think introducing a gender and sexuality topic in PSHEE/P&E classes in all high schools would assist those questioning and lessen homophobia in schools.
More details
Although the statistic for LGBT+ students is estimated, around 1 in 5 students are believed to be a part of the community. This means that approximately 646,900 students are LGBT+ and would benefit from this topic, as well as the remainder of students who will be more educated and aware of the many genders and sexualities there are.
This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months