This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition Introduction of Mental Health into National Curriculum and Hospitals

We truly believe that more needs to be done in relation to suicide.

There should be no stigma attached to Mental Health and the only way to eradicate a stigma surrounding a 'taboo' subject is to educate by bringing it into National Curriculum and more information/care available in hospitals.

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6581 committed suicide in 2014 alone, each and everyone of those people had a family, friends and countless people that would have been touched by their passing.
We passionately believe that the rates of suicide would decrease if Mental Health was part of the National Curriculum and the younger generation were aware of what symptoms to look out for in themselves and those around them
With that we also believe that there's room for improvement with information and Mental Health care in hospitals

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

216 signatures

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