This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Make it illegal for motorised vehicles to park or wait in cycle lanes.

Cycle lanes can help increase confidence for cyclist with a designated part of the road, either by having it separate from roads of with road markings.
When vehicles park or wait in a cycle lane, it not only makes the cycle lane pointless, it actually increases the risks to cyclists.

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A cycle lane gives a cyclist a little more confidence, especially for newer cyclists.
Cycle lanes that have vehicles in them are not only a waste of money and resources, but dangerous to cyclist and moving vehicles.
The cyclist has to go further into the road in an area where a cycle lane was deemed to be needed.
What is the point in having cycle lanes that are unusage by cyclists because they are full of parked cars?

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

97 signatures

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