This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition The Government should send a declaration of Secession to the EU immediately

Britain does not need a Trade Deal with the EU, in fact, it will be detrimental. Art. 50 will lead us into years of negotiation with little to show for it on their terms. A trade deal will keep also keep us tied to the EU. We need to declare WTO rules and offset tariffs with savings.

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The EU will continue to argue for a Brexit on their terms when it should be on ours. The UK voted to completely leave the EU and by following Art. 50, we shall be tied to them for years. A simple declaration of secession will leave the EU with the option of treating the UK as any other 3rd State instead of trying to hang on to us. Savings will offset any tariffs they choose to impose, or they can choose to work with us tariff free to mutual benefit and we can trade with the World immediately

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

575 signatures

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