This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Fund the NHS by increasing income-tax by 2 pence in the pound.

The NHS is on its knees, it requires reorganisation which means a lot more funding than is currently available from the Government purses. We ALL benefit from the NHS and we CANNOT allow it to fall 'unfit for purpose'. "Once it has gone - there will be no turning back"

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The NHS should be free service to all UK citizens and that is true in most cases however, 'nothing is free in life'. If we want to be able to visit a doctor when we feel ill or go to Casualty, when our child or other loved one has suffered a serious injury or perhaps receive cancer treatment or other medical care - maybe we need to call an ambulance in an emergency, we need to keep and fund the NHS.

To keep this service the NHS has to be paid for!!!

Working people could pay 2 pence in the pound & those of us receiving State benefits & pensions to have 2% deducted at source.

I want my grandchildren to be able to have access to a good NHS but we must all do our bit to pay for.

Please sign this petition to help us achieve it.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

29 signatures

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