This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Make 'puppy farm' licensing stringently regulated in the U.K. to avoid suffering

Some of the licensed farms hold >100 breeding bitches caged in less than 1 cubic meter, no daylight, nowhere to toilet having litter after litter, true breeding machines! Puppies are taken away too early adding more cruelty to these dogs' life making life unbearable for these intelligent animals

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Regulate conditions for breeding dogs on licensed puppy farms. Breeding dogs have less protected rights than battery farm chickens and are scrupulously used as money makers by licensed farms. Some 'breeders' don't even bother to kill the bitches once they have had too many litters, they are just left to starve.
Regulate number of breeding bitches per licensed establishment, all to be kept in approved sized kennels with daylight and daily outdoor runs & regulate the number of litters per bitch

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

388 signatures

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