This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition Legalise conjugal visits in UK prisons.

This aims to prompt the introduction of conjugal visits for the 85,998 prisoners in HMPs across the UK. Some will be of the view that prisoners should be granted no privileges, but neglect thought of the spouses who endure great heartache, stress and aloneness whilst their partner is incarcerated.

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Science demonstrates the positive effects that would be seen with regards to reduction of violence and aggrevated incidents within then prison. This is highlighted in hundreds of psychological and scientific case studies.

Not only is a prisoner's own life severely impacted but also their spouses', who have to hold everything together in their partners absence. Spouses did not commit a crime yet bare huge burdens, without the ability to maintain a physical connection with their partner.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

829 signatures

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