This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Abolish Income Tax

Income tax in the UK was introduced in 1799 as a TEMPORARY measure to fund the Napoleonic wars which ended in 1815. Income tax was abolished in 1816.
It was later reinstalled in 1842 due to there being a growing deficit.

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In today's society absolutely everything is taxed. For many people in minimum wage jobs this makes day to day survival a struggle. By abolishing income tax this would give them an extra £60-£80 a month which would be put towards improving their quality of life.
Many people could use this money to feed/clothe/shelter their families and as stated EVERYTHING is taxed therefore is there any need for income tax for everyone to prosper?

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

25 signatures

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