This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition Introduce rent caps on private let & prevent landlords refusing Housing Benefit

Currently in the SE private rents have become ridiculous, with a single room costing as much as £700 pm. This is useless to a largely working class area. To add to this most letting agents and landlords refuse to accept any form of housing benefit, even as a top up.

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I would as that we stop the practice of refusing to accept tenants with housing benefit and ask that we put caps on how much rent can be charged. £1400 pm for a house is impossibly high! This requires you to be earning £34,000 and pay almost £3000 up front (figures on a recent viewing of a property) The average UK wage of £26,500 would not cover this. We have houses. People simply cannot afford them! I would also ask they they stop houses being split into rooms for rental reducing family homes.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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