This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition Stop ALL spending by UK Gov on Foreign Aid and divert it to the Care Budget.

We can't afford to look after our own citizens, but still send money overseas, why? We must no longer neglect our own citizens, who worked hard to build our country and paid into the very same system that now neglects them but sends money to countries that do not need it!

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Raising council tax to pay for care, when it will not be enough or guaranteed to actually be spent wisely on care (that's if it gets into the care pot at all!). We need to focus on those that paid into the system and look at the ways we should be working with everyone in our communities to integrate care and develop more beneficial caring environments for the future benefit of all.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

1,299 signatures

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