This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition NHS Charges for non National insurance payers

This issue is important because the NHS needs help and people that do not pay into the national insurance program should be asked to pay for their treatment received, We as tax payers all have NI Numbers

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My suggestion is that when we are first seen in A&E we are asked for our NI card as proof that we are entitled to free treatment, If we cannot provide this then we are asked how we are going to pay either Credit card or insurance documents. Just like checking into a hotel the card is swiped at first contact. On completion of treatment the card on insurance company are charged at the going rate of charges, This will help prevent the strain on NHS resources, and bring us in line with other countries

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

25 signatures

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