This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition To review the sentencing guidelines for offences of deliberate animal cruelty

The existing penalties for animal cruelty are far too lenient and do not act as a deterrent. The sentencing guidelines for offences under the Animal Health Act need reviewing to introduce much tougher sentences for deliberately & wilfully causing suffering and death to animals, eg minimum sentences

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Our existing animal welfare legislation is rooted in times when animals were seen as possessions, chattels, or tools of a trade. The current maximum sentences available do nothing to deter the people who indulge in deliberate cruelty for "fun", or who take part in dog fighting or other illegal activities. The introduction of a minimum custodial sentence on conviction of say, three or four years, with no remission or parole, would act as more of a threat to these people and make them think twice.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

1,555 signatures

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