This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition call for uk prime minister may, to go to parliament & answers for NHS crisis

The British people deserve answers on why our country's greatest asset the NHS is turning the British people away & or leaving them to die in corridors, & it takes Red Cross to call you out don't cut staff & budgets, sort this its our human rights, Pm & government it's your fault not anyone else's

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Please sign this petition for prime minister Theresa May to go to parliament and give answer to the British tax payer and it's people this is a disgrace people are dieing, needlessly under your power and government you have a lot of questions to answer, and don't blame the British public or the staff nurses or doctors, you have made the cuts to staff and hospitals budgets. please get this petition as far as we can as a great country, we're living in 3rd world conditions it's a disgrace. Fund NHS

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

15 signatures

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