This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Overturn Chris Grayling's plan to create a road tunnel under Stonehenge on A303

Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site, famous worldwide. It is also a Part of OUR heritage and a Sacred Site to the Druids. The plan could cause irreparable damage to the site and cause it to be lost to future generations forever.

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Last year, the historians Dan Snow and Tom Holland attacked the proposals, likening them to vandals destroying ancient artefacts. “We have recently started to realise that the standing stones are just a beginning. They sit at the heart of the world’s most significant and best-preserved stone-age landscape. The government’s plans endanger this unique site,” he said.
Holland said: “There is so much waiting to be learned about how Stonehenge was built – if we decide, as a country, not to sacrifice it to road building. The battle to save our most significant neolithic landscape is an unending one.”

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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