This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Decommission Trident missiles.

When the NHS is under immense strain, it is appalling to know that the single nuclear Trident warhead that missed its target zone cost the UK £17,000,000. Trident is also far more an aggressor than a defense, so I urge everyone who sees this- In the name of Peace and Prosperity, help disarm Trident!

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The single missile that failed cost £17,000,000- the same cost as the cost of employing 700 nurses for the NHS a year- it is already strained, with pregnant women having to wait up to 4 hours to be seen. This was lied about in Parliament and so it is fair to have it debated again.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

181 signatures

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