This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition British & European Citizenship for those who wish to remain a part of Europe.

Given that there is precedent for dual nationality in N.Ireland I feel it is only fair, and morally right, that as just under half of the country didn't want to leave the EU that those who wish to stay should have the option to keep European citizenship when Brexit negotiations begin.

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I was born in N.Ireland and as I grew up I was told I was N.Irish, Irish, British and European. I had a choice on who I affiliated myself with and I had a choice to be a part of something smaller, or something bigger; I chose the latter.

It is therefore, with precedent and just under half the country having voted to remain, that the government should not ignore what is a large minority and give everyone the rights that others in these islands already have.

Choice on citizenship!

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

43 signatures

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