This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Stop the formal testing of children at primary school in the UK.

Stop the UK Government from forcing primary schools to subject our young children to regular formal testing. It is no longer just SAT's in year 2 and 6. Children are now forced three times per academic year to go through week long tests carried out like formal exams with exam papers and time limits.

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There is no evidence that subjecting young children to these formal test situations improves academic achievement. There is however a lots of evidence that mental health issues, depression, stress and anxiety are increasing in our children and young people. There is also much evidence around the importance of play and physical exercise especially for primary age children. So why is the UK Government forcing schools to subject our children to these formal exam situations? Help protect childhood.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

24 signatures

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