This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament
Petition Make schools have nit nurses back and children with lice stay home.
Are you sick and tired of your children getting headlice because parents are forced to send their children to school with headlice, as schools see education been more important than health? I certainly am. Help to get nit nurses back into schools.
More details
Parents of children with headlice are been harrassed to send their children to school and the spread of lice continues.
They think if a childs hair is tied up they can not be spread. Wrong.
They think as long as your actively trying to get rid of them, the child should be in school. Wrong.
Children with headlice should be kept off school until the headlice are completely gone and the nit nurse should be able to check before allowing a child back into school.
A once a week visit would sufice.
This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website