This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Protect existing noise sources from changes in local population

The village clock chimed for 300 years, but someone moved in from the city and complained. Now it's stopped. Over population of our small island is creating urban areas to expand and get nearer to existing sound sources, such as race tracks, airfields, and military facilities. Creating conflicts.

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Bell ringing is is dying out due to complaints by people wanting their right to silence, but churches are in inhabited areas meaning conflicts will occur.
If a house is built near a race track, why should the track close when it was there first.
As long as the noise isn't constant, tolerance should be exercised on both sides.
The freedom to participate in all legal activities should not be spoiled by the few. And the tradition or existense of something shouldn't be ruined by a new arrival.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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