This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition Department of Transport to reconsider the travel ban on electronics on flights.

The UK Department of Transport have advised, rather poorly, an electronics ban on flights from and to the UK. This will have a massive impact to the image and economy of the UK. The ban should be backed by logic and proven in the latest threat model before making it mandatory.

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The Department of Transport should define of what constitutes a mobile phone and the acceptable size to ban an electronic device. It should also prove that the same threat has not moved from hand-luggage to holding-luggage and is still fatal. It should also prove that laptops and mobile phones do not have the same technology capabilities, making mobile phones equally a threat. The DoT should also include safe-keeping of content within holding luggage part of airline carriers responsibilities.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

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