This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 parliament

Petition Ban any selling/importing of Foie Gras in the U.K.

No animal should be force fed any type of food/chemical/liquid to satisfy humanity for any reason! The fact that this act has been banned in the UK suggests we already know that this shouldn't happen anywhere in the world.

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It is illegal to produce Foie Gras in several European Countries already so next step is banning completely!

Force feeding consists of cruel and inhumane treatment of animals. Related issues include swollen livers (many times to their normal size), impaired liver function, expansion of the abdomen, making it difficult for birds to walk, even death if the force feeding is continued, and scarring of the esophagus.

Now is the time to ban all Foie Gras in the UK (importing and selling).

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

1,606 signatures

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