This petition was submitted during the 2015–2017 Conservative government

Petition We want MP's to vote in favour of giving the people the final vote on brexit.

On 22/3/17 Tim Farron introduced a bill to give the British people the final say on Brexit once the negotiations are done and we know the full implications of what will happen.
This petition is for the British people to show their support of this bill prior to the vote in Parliament on May 12th.

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This bill gives us all the chance to vote on the reality of Brexit once Theresa May has concluded her negotiations.There is already a precedent for this. Ireland, where given two referendums on the Lisbon treaty, Once further information and amendments were made.

We want parliament to know that the British people support this bill and urge them to vote in favour of it.
Two years is a very long time and we need to make sure that the will of the government still matches the will of the people.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

3,288 signatures

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