This petition was submitted during the 2015-2017 Conservative government

Petition Get compulsory lessons about ONLINE BULLYING taught in every school

People have come to us concerned about the rising problem of bullying on social media. JOIN our "Sticks and Stones" campaign, calling for the Government to enforce mandatory lessons in all schools giving advice on how to behave online, and how to safeguard yourself against online bullying.

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We've spoken to countless victims of online bullying up and down the country. Some of which saw no way out, and considered suicide.
Some even succeeded.
The abuse is often relentless as more and more young people are constantly connected to the internet.
We need to better educate our children about the effect their words can have.
The House of Lords recently recommended mandatory lessons about online responsibilities, risks and acceptable behaviour.

This petition closed early because of a General Election Find out more on the Petitions Committee website

168 signatures

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