This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition The Government to pressure the Indian Government to release Jagtar Singh Johal

Jagtar Singh Johal from Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire, had a sack thrown over his head and was forced into a van by plain-clothes officers on 4 November. The Police in Punjab secretly presented Jagtar Singh Johal before the duty magistrate without informing his family or legal counsel.

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Mr Johal, was in India since 2 October for his wedding. He was arrested by Punjab police on November 04 and was presented before a duty magistrate by the police on 05 November. The court had sent him on police remand until 10 November. His remand extension was secretly submitted to the magistrate court so that neither his family or legal counsel could plea against the extension before the magistrate. The lack of information being provided by the authorities is alarming. #freejagginow

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

140 signatures

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