This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Impose a ban on unnessary plastic packaging being sold in supermarkets

BP2 has highlighted how plastic is affecting our ecosystems with terrible consequences.

Supermarkets are guilty of wrapping everything from avocado to apples in plastic which is rarely recyclable.

Let’s demand that by law, less plastic packaging is used and what is HAS to be recyclable.

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8 million tonnes of plastic is found in our oceans every year and marine life is paying the price.

Plastic bags have been retrieved from the stomachs of multiple mammals including whales and albatross. Plastic forks have been found lodged in the noses of sea turtles and fish have been found growing around plastic pullrings and wrappers.

It’s time the UK cleaned up its act and minimised our use of plastic before the damage is irreversible.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

127 signatures

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