This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Petition Reduce the price of British citizenship for children from £973 to less than £600

The price for British citizenship for children is currently £973, and without this they can't vote or claim student loans. The Home Office makes over £500 profit for each application and this makes many families unable to afford citizenship. The government are putting a price on democracy.

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These children will, later in life, pay taxes as a normal citizen would, but will not benefit in the same way.

As well as this, over 3,000 children that do apply, are denied the citizenship and not refunded the £973 fee.

The right to these has been given to these children by parliament, but currently they are being sold by the home office.

To find out more about the issue, you can read this article:

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

56 signatures

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