This petition was submitted during the 2017-2019 parliament

Petition Base income tax on combined household income for a fair tax system

The current tax system places the highest tax burden by far on single-earner households and many single-earner families are sliding towards poverty due to the unfair tax system while single individuals without children enjoy some of the lowest tax rates of the western world

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The current tax system is based on taxing individuals without taking into account how many additional people such as children depend on that income. It also severly punishes mothers who stay at home, despite research demonstrating that this is the best for young children.
The fairest way to support families is by taxing combined household income. This will also eliminate the unfairness of the High Income Child Benefit Charge threshold, where single-earner families loose the benefit with much lower income than double-earner families.
A tax system that is based on the combined household income is common sense and is the standard in most countries in the western world.

This petition is closed This petition ran for 6 months

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