This petition was submitted during the 2017–2019 Conservative government

Rejected petition Ban (heavily monitor)all rap/grime music

We live in a society where rap/grime portrays the uk as a dangerous place to live in.I know that there are areas with lots of crime.But lots of children between 8-18years old are listening to this in some videos kill charts are shown this is disgusting.Just to be edgy this is causing lots of crime.

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As I mentioned kill charts also there is lots of sexual language used in grime. Children should not her this! "From the hips to the waist you know,"Gayl"I'm loving your ratio let me grip on and take control" are some lyrics from a song called jumanji by b young shown on grm daily a YouTube channel with over 1 million subscribers every day I here children as young as 8! Singing this. Other songs like German by EO banned as their message isn't negative it's just a normal song.

This petition was rejected

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